Traditional Cardio and Why We Won't Be on the Treadmill
Who wants to run on the treadmill all day? I don’t!
Now running isn’t really a bad thing, cardio is good but we won’t be doing traditional cardio in this program. Confused? Don’t be! We just won’t be doing traditional cardio as in running on a treadmill for an hour or using the elliptical for an hour.
That’s tedious! Let’s change that up! Instead, we will be focusing on lifting weights as weight lifting does elevate the heart and naturally doubles as cardio and builds muscle!! It makes perfect sense because when you're pushing yourself on the squat rack, or pressing the bar on the bench press your heart is racing. Clearly it would be considered "cardio" since the heart rate elevates during intense exercise.
An interesting thing to explain is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Its been said for the longest time that weight lifting is anaerobic since you can't do that all day long and aerobic would be "cardio" since it can be done for longer periods of time. This is true of course but it depends on your intensity.
Workouts such as high-intensity interval training, weight lifting, sprinting and any exercise with all-out intensity is anaerobic. Workouts such as walking at a comfortable pace, stretching and any exercise that aren't so intense to where you can maintain a conversation with someone are aerobic.