Calories and Why They Matter

Depending on whether you want to burn fat or build muscle or both, your calorie intake will vary.

There are calorie calculators online that can determine what your calorie needs are. Calories are very important. If you over consume calories when trying to lose weight, or eat too few calories when you’re trying to gain size.. you will not see results regardless of how hard this program pushes you.

It is extremely important to track your meals on a food tracker app so you are not left guessing. This may sound tedious but if you can make a game out of it such as "Try to eat less and less each day for 30 days" or "The more I eat, the more muscle I can make", it will be much more motivating to stay on track.

There are calorie calculators online such as from* that have calorie calculators that you can use to give you a rough estimate. These calculators aren’t 100 percent accurate, they’ll give you an idea of what you need daily. After finding the number that you need per day to maintain, subtract about 10-25 percent from that number and that will be your daily goal for weight loss and add 10-25 percent to it for gaining muscle mass!

If you want burn fat and build muscle at the same time, eat less calories than what you need and take in about 1 gram per pound of lean body mass in protein per day and I’ll explain more about this.

*This program is not sponsored by This is a personal recommendation on how people can find their calorie needs.

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