Food List

This program is definitely going to teach healthy relationships with food. Many other programs have very strict diets for meaningless reasons. All the hardcore bodybuilder programs have the most boring food lists and I've tried them all. For many years, I have followed many and many and many workout plans and about 99.99999999999 percent of them have very limiting diet plans for completely arbitrary reasons.

They emphasize that one needs to "suffer", "tough it out", that they cannot have ANY carbs for senseless reasons such as "carbs turn into fat", "no carbs after 6pm because the body stops digesting after 6pm". Ridiculous.

It is absolutely ridiculous and not to mention very harmful. Some diets are so strict in not having any fruit, or fats, and many fad diets have single-foods such as ONLY mangoes for some reason that they can cause damage to your health.

The body needs to have fats, sugar, carbohydrates, protein and for mental sanity reasons we need to allow ourselves foods that are labeled as "junk food". It sounds strange coming out a workout program but believe me when a master trainer informs you that having foods you enjoy and prefer are crucial to your success.

The moment you deny yourself a food, about 3-5 days in you will want to binge out on food which is the trigger. The trigger is telling ourselves "we cannot have X, Y and Z food" which causes the body to think and lust after the very foods we cannot have. It is biological to want what we can't have, like our high school crush..

Diets that restrict foods one can have only work against the consumer because the more we deny ourselves something the more we want it so much more.

The allowed foods in this program are the following:

  • everything.

That's correct. Everything. We will not deny ourselves any fruit, vegetable, grain, food group or whatever on this program.

But don't get this twisted, I did not say we can have ONLY junk food. Preferably a ratio of 80 percent healthy and 20 percent fun foods.

We will focus on balancing healthy foods and allowing ourselves to have the foods we lust after like cheese and chocolate. We will focus on calorie needs a day and not what food in specific was consumed.

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